Friday 19 August 2011


It was a great pleasure to mix with the young people attending East/West Scotland Summer School ‘Awesome on the Inside’. The recognition that we have many young people who are valued by God and as such are provided for through such events should serve the purpose of reminding us that each individual has the opportunity through the Holy Spirit of reaching their fullest potential – whatever their age and whatever their potential might be.

I was also thrilled to be attending worship at two Corps over the last two weeks where the ‘Pray like Hannah’ approach to prayer has not just been mentioned but also prompted as a helpful and supportive way of praying and ministry to and for children.

Our children deserve our prayers and our personal investment because they teach us about the Kingdom of God with their simple approach to life.

As your young people return from Summer School, or their own holidays, and as they prepare to return to school, college, university, or the workplace assure them of your interest and support.

On a note that has personal echoes for my family it would be particularly appreciated if you could especially remember the children of officers who have moved and the new schools they will be attending. Many thanks.

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